Scott Zimbelli



Scott Zambelli is a self taught artist who started his career with an animation company based in Michigan. During his time there, Scott learned the ropes of the industry and got to work on many animated projects for local TV advertisements. His crowning acheivement was being assigned to the Detroit Pistons project the company recently received. In this project Scott created the designed the character, as well as animated all the scoreboard animations featuring his creation. Since then, the Detroit Pistons replaced the mascot when they gave the team’s image a complete makeover with new uniforms and slogans.

After that, Scott got out of the field of art for a little more than a decade.

Over the past couple years, Scott has been getting back into his craft and has become a successful sketch card artist where he has had the honor of producing officially licensed work for brands like Star Wars, Vampirella, and many more.

Scott also balances his time producing pop cultured themed artwork with his company, Studio Three16; a christian based company which focuses on producing Christian art in the form of many different mediums. Their first publication, which is an illustrated Gospel of John, is expected to be ready for publication by the end of 2011.