We are heading into our 19th year. From our first year at the student union, to the Nutter Center, and on to the convention center in Dayton we have done our best to bring you an exciting family friendly experience. Over the years the show has grown into something special.
To that point, we have had two underlying rules. The first rule has been value. We have deliberately done our best to keep this an affordable show. To keep this promise we have had to maintain a tight budget. In 19 years, we have had only one increase in ticket price. This reflects our belief that every family should be able to afford an event like this, and everyone who does come should feel like they got their dollars’ worth.
The second rule has been to keep the show intimate. We run the show with a very small group of people. We would guess that if you attend you probably know us by sight, if not by name. We have a dinner for our vendors on Friday and a drink and drawl on Saturday evening for charity. Both of these events are done to make people feel welcome and part of the Gem City family.
In short, we feel like the weekend of Gem City is a chance to celebrate the hobby of comic book collecting and all of the great pop culture that goes along with that. It is a chance to showcase Dayton and entertain our out of town friends while sharing my hobby with family and friends here at home.
To continue to produce this show without compromise, we will make a few changes going forward. We will be leaving the convention center in Dayton and moving the show to the Marriot at the University of Dayton.
This move will allow us to accomplish and maintain our core goals mentioned above. Load in will be easier for the dealer. Parking FREE for our guests. We can focus on comics and highlight local and regional creators. We can LOWER TICKET PRICES to a $10 weekend pass or a $5 Sunday pass. Kids under 12 are ALWAYS FREE! Hosting this event at an all-inclusive venue will also help to keep everyone engaged and part of the activities. This is a part of the show that has been missing for several years and something the convention center in Dayton can no longer offer.
This will shrink the show considerably. Unfortunately, due to venue constraints, we regret that there won’t be enough room for every vender and creator who has been a part of this show for the last 18 years.
This may be disappointing for some, please know that this decision was made with the best interest of attendees in mind. By managing capacity, we aim to provide a more enjoyable and focused experience for all who attend. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to delivering an unforgettable event!
We’re excited to finish planning the 2025 GCCC! In the coming weeks, our team will be reaching out to vendors, and creators to invite them to participate in the event. We’re looking forward to showcasing a diverse range of talents and offerings. If you’re a vendor or creator interested in getting involved, keep an eye out for our invitation email or feel free to reach out to us directly to express your interest at… Exhibitors@gemcitycomiccon.com or Dealers@gemcitycomiccon.com.
We could not have done this without your support. This show is a testament to comics and pop culture fandom in Dayton Ohio.