Don Simpson is best known as the creator of the satirical superhero Megaton Man for Kitchen Sink Press and Image Comics, the science fiction saga Border Worlds (collected by Dover Publications in 2017), and most recently Marvel’s one-shot CRAZY! reboot (2019). A veteran of the 80s-90s indy movement, Don worked for nearly every comic book imprint in the late twentieth century, including Mirage Studios (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), Image Comics (Splitting Image and Savage Dragon vs. Megaton Man), Fantagraphics (King Kong), and DC (Wasteland). Under his Fiasco Comics imprint, Don self-published 17 issues of Bizarre Heroes, a universe of characters surrounding the cast of Megaton Man. Don’s illustrations also graced the 2003 bestseller Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right, catapulting comedian Al Franken into a spectacular, if relatively brief, career as a U.S. senator. More recently, Don has been authoring his weekly prose novel, The Ms. Megaton Man Maxi-Series, at, a more sober, sci-fi take on his imaginative universe. This is Don’s first visit to Dayton and Gem City Con!