Writer and Creator of The Unstoppable Dark Storm, Matt Bond endeavors to craft the origin of Zane, the last Electronite, in his original graphic novel series. Dark Storm is a new age anti-hero who boasts unique powers that rival even the greatest superheroes.
Bond was inspired early in his life by other fantastic and amazing heroes like Spider-man and the Power Rangers and would consume as many stories as he could, literature or film, eventually learning his love of stories would drive him to write stories of his own.
Over years of fine-tuning the concept of The Unstoppable Dark Storm, Bond began to look for a team of creators to help bring his imagination to life and create the unique universe in which his tale takes place. Undeterred in his endeavor to see his creation manifest, he hired illustrators from around the world by scouring the internet to find artists that would put all the ideas he had on the page.
After writing and directing the project that would become a full length graphic novel, Matt Bond was almost ready to print his book. As he looked at publishers for his book, Bond decided to take a more independent approach and signed on with a small publishing house called Versus Comics that wanted to see The Unstoppable Dark Storm completed.
With the help of his publisher and his team of artists, Matt Bond has set out on the pursuit of ensuring the continuation of his unstoppable dream and the next chapters of his story. You’ll find him in attendance at various conventions waiting to meet the next new fans of the Unstoppable Dark Storm.