
Chad Strohl

Chad Strohl


Chad is a writer and artist hailing from Southeastern Ohio currently contributing two webcomics on Tapastic. INFERNO is a “cops and robbers” chase through Hell loosely based on Dante’s Inferno and can be seen at https://tapas.io/series/INFERNO. Also on Tapastic is the story of MICHELE, about a fallen angel discovered by a widower and his young daughter and how such a discovery will not only alter their lives but also the lives of the entire world as the threat of Armageddon follows in her wake. It can be seen at https://tapas.io/series/Michele.
Chad has also contributed as artist and part time writer for the first 3 years of New Comic Day which can be seen at www.newcomicday.net.
Chad can be found at www.chadstrohl.wordpress.com.