
Michael T. Gilbert

Michael T. Gilbert


Michael’s stories have been featured in Heavy Metal, Slow Death, Star*Reach, Quack!, Batman, The Spirit and Walt Disney’s Comics & Stories and American SplendorOver the years he’s written or drawn comics starring Superman, Batman, Dr. Strange, Elric, The Simpsons, SpongeBob and the Disney characters. But Michael’s signature creation remains his fearless monster-fighting superhero, Doc Stearn … Mr. Monster! Mr. Monster celebrated his 30th birthday in 2014 with new Mr. Monster stories appearing in Dark Horse Presents.

Additionally, Mr. Monster hosts “Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt,” a monthly column devoted to comic book history for Alter Ego magazine. A published comic book artist since 1973, Michael has also designed t-shirts, TV graphics and gruesome tattoos. In 2014, Michael received the coveted Inkpot award. He recently moved from rain-drenched Oregon to snow-sodden Ohio with his wife, Janet –– and the huge, festering pile of pulp he laughingly calls his comic book collection!